
Production Chain

Matrices’ Poultry Farms

There are over 55 matrices’ poultry farms located in several cities in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Currently the company has 130,000 female birds and 17,000 males in rearing, along with 175,000 females and 17,000 males in production.

Egg Production

In the rearing, which runs from the first day of life to 24 weeks of age, the chicken’s body structure develops and matures in preparation for the bird to begin laying eggs. During this period, many bio-security precautions are taken, such as showers at the entrance to the farms,
disinfecting all materials and items that are used around the poultry, as well as a safe structure at the core of the farm that is surrounded by fence to protect the eggs from the outside birds and other predators. The poultry vaccination program, which is responsible for preventing future diseases that may affect the production and life of the flock, is administered very carefully by Frigorífico Nicolini. Six times a day, all produced eggs are collected in trays and pass through the disinfection process.


Located in Garibaldi, Rio Grande do Sul, the company´s hatchery has 16-egg incubators storages and it is registered in the Ministry of Agriculture. As the eggs reach the hatchery, they are classified by gender. Those that fit the quality standards are placed in incubation trays and the rest are discarded.
After their classification, the eggs are loaded in hatching machines over a period of 18 days. By the end of this period, the eggs are transferred to a specific hatcher, where it will rest for another 3 days, resulting in chickens’ birth. Throughout the process, cleanliness and hygiene are top priorities, as it ensures the good quality of the chicks. After birth, the chicks are sexed, vaccinated and transported by special trucks to the farms of Nicolini´s partners where they will be raised.

Integrated Farms

Nicolini has 400 chicken farms, spread out in over 37 cities located in Rio Grande do Sul. The total lodging capacity of Nicolini is over 6,800,000 chicks. According to the Nicolini´s supply chain system, our partners receive the chickens in their farms and provide them clean water and a balance diet, which are essential to ensure their high quality.
At this stage, the bio-security precautions are also very important. The poultry farms are equippedwith outside birds protection, fences, predators control and restricts the visit of personal whom are not involved in the process. By Nicolini´s technical team, composed of Veterinaries and Agricultural Technicians, assistances are weekly provided on the properties in order to ensure the quality of poultry and zoo technical results required by the market.

Feed mill

Nicolini has two feed mills with a production capacity of over 72 tons of feed per hour. The feed mill sites feed the chickens that are designated to specific markets. The Quality Control is ensured by the implementation and application of GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices), which guarantee the bio-security of produced products.
As soon as the raw materials, which are necessary to produce the animal feed, arrives in the factory, they are measured by their bromatological standard, and if approved they shall be well received, otherwise they must be returned to their supplier. The entire factories are automated and are registered in the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, which prevents any chances of flaws.

Oil and flour industry

The company has a modern flour industrial plant, which processes all by-products (feathers, offal and blood) generated in the slaughterhouse. The production of its flour and oilbirds are used as raw material for pet food production.


Nicolini has the Operational License conceded by FEPAN, Rio Grande do Sul Environment State Protection, and complies with all the requirements of LO No. 2257/2009- DL acting proactively in all environmental issues. Aiming to minimize the environmental impact of its activity, the company heavily invests in effluent treatment.

Human Ressources

Nicolini welcomes its collaborators like family members. Inside the company, people get integrated with the company´s culture and interact in order to join efforts seeking the best results. Respect, trust and sense of unity are the main company´s guidelines and all its collaborators are driven to deliver the highest-class performance to their internal and external clients.
Trusting in its qualified professionals in several areas, Nicolini conducts on a regular basis technical, operational, motivational and development trainings, aiming qualification and integration to Nicolini´s standards and compliance policy. Nicolini is proud of having a positive social and economic impact in over 3,000 direct collaborators and over 12,000 indirect community members.

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